The best gift to yourself is to love your body
Nobody is perfect. Not all women possessed a flawless body. I am no exception. As a mom and a woman, my body became horrible after giving birth to my two beautiful girls. I got a lot of stretchmarks, saggy, loose skin and excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen.
It's ok. We moms should accept that and be grateful that we're able to bear a child and give them a good life.
There is nothing new about a woman's desire to re-shape her body into something more desirable in her eyes and specially to their man's eyes or other people. But actually, you don't need to think about other people's opinion. Your body, your rules.Whether you call them women's body girdles, corsets, or foundation garments - body shapers for women have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. These products have adjustable shoulder straps offer comfort and flexibility; open crotch design makes it convenient to use the restroom; and chest fabric is stretchy enough to fit a wide variety of chest sizes.